Temporarily Closed
A Message To My Clients
Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that the world is facing an unprecedented challenge. Like you, I am deeply concerned for our world, our community, family, friends, and small mom and pop businesses.
Currently the "Stay at Home" ordinance has now been put into affect limiting groups of 10 or less and social distancing of 6'. Businesses deemed "for essential needs only" can remain open with limitations.
(I believe skincare is a dire necessity! - just saying)
And although I only see one client at a time and I use all safety precautions wearing gloves and such, I am unable to do services from 6' away (unless my arms grow to freakishly long lengths), so I have temporarily closed.
So for now we all sit and wait praying people effected by the virus overcome this illness and heal and for our world become healthy again and return to some sort of normalcy.
I encourage everyone to please use common sense when venturing out and be safe. Stay at home if at all possible and wash those hands!
My customers are the heart and soul of my business and I can't wait to get up and running to see you all again real soon.
In the meantime take care of yourselves!!
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support in supporting, not only my business, but all small businesses.
Love You All,